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BCB Sponsorship

The Jobsworth boxing stable is getting larger. 🥳

We’re proud to announce our sponsorship of Katie Healy for her pro boxing debut this Friday night on 🥊

Katie is a former Kickboxing World Champion.

She has now decided to move her fight career into the world of professional boxing and we’re proud to be involved from the start of her journey.

Tune into FightZone this Friday evening for her debut! 🥊

#BCB #Fightzone #Sponsorship #JRS #Recruitmentmadesimple

The Jobsworth Blog – May

Navigating the driver shortage

There is no doubt that the industry faces a shortage of drivers as the economy begins to reopen.

The RHA has called for urgent Government action, the DVSA says it’s because the industry has an image problem, add Brexit, Covid and IR35 reform into the mix and it appears as though the industry is facing a perfect storm.

Are the problems just short term or are the shortages symptomatic of a long-term trend?


It’s a Europe-wide problem

Since Brexit many foreign nationals have returned home, but the problem of driver shortages isn’t just confined to the UK, it’s the same on the Continent as well.


Trouble at both ends

The shortage is twin-edged, older drivers are unhappy about changes to their payments due to IR35 reform, and the backlog caused by Covid for driver testing has hampered the addition of fresh blood into the industry.

It would surely be in The Government’s best interests to place lorry drivers on the Occupation Shortage List, which would at least have the effect of enabling EU and other Nationals to fill rota gaps.


The impact of IR35

Many drivers are unhappy about this, which is understandable from their perspective.

The off-payroll reforms came in to close the loophole of drivers being able to operate through Limited Company, as a result, if their contract is deemed to be inside IR35, they are to be taxed in the same way as a regular employee, and paid either via agency PAYE or umbrella.

Whether the anger is justified or not, the big mistake drivers have made is to adopt a ‘shoot the messenger’ approach to dealing with their frustration.  It isn’t the end engager or the agency that is responsible for the legislation, but it is their obligation to ensure they are operating compliantly within it.

Ultimately, it is up to the drivers themselves to decide their best course of action, but faced with the reality of needing to earn a living, unhappy or not, many will have no option other than ‘sucking it up’.


Testing times

On the other side of the coin, the emphasis over the past year has been on other types of testing, so here is a backlog of would-be drivers awaiting their tests before being able to join the workforce.

Backlogs can be worked through, but it is unlikely, faced with so many competing resources, that there will be any assistance forthcoming from The Government, but with the economy reopening, this is more a short-term issue.

Prioritising vocational tests would be a practical way to clear the backlog as quickly as possible, it would surely make sense for The Government to give priority to help the industry bring fresh blood on board.

But attracting the drivers of the future is proving to be a challenge all in itself.


An image problem

The DVSA has made this point, and indeed it is a cause for concern.

Driving and logistics are keystones of the economy, and driving is a fine career to be involved in, but the message seems to be missing young people.

This is true of many trades’ and is symptomatic maybe of society’s increasing preoccupation with wanting everything ‘now’.

But to learn a trade, you have to be prepared to graft, start at the bottom, train and progress your career from there.

Sadly, many young people do appear to have the impression that the World owes them a living, but are they being given enough career guidance to make them choose a vocational career route if appropriate?

Certainly the message needs to be spread far more positively that driving is a good career to consider in its own right, not something to be done when there are no other options available.

And it’s in the interests of all members of the supply chain to promote driving as a rewarding career for young people to enter.


Keeping things honest

Faced with such a shortage, it is all the more important to make sure that you are completely honest and upfront with your drivers to make sure they don’t move to a competitor instead.

Shortages will inevitably apply upward pressure on rates, but the main role for the recruiter is to act as an impartial intermediary between driver and end client, by acting as an ‘honest broker’ you are keeping a lid on expectations while making sure that both parties have an agreement they can work with, a suitable compromise.

Being seen to be impartial is so important, we will always fight our drivers’ corner passionately, but recognise that it isn’t just a question of trying to screw the engager for as much as possible, it’s about being fair to all sides.


Looking to the future

The issues over IR35 and the testing backlog are a more short-to-medium term issues for the industry to grapple with.  The serious problem comes from changing attitudes towards driving as a long-term career choice.

Yes, it’s grafting, but what’s wrong with grafting for a living?

Certainly, if the Government can do anything, it is to ensure that apprenticeships, KickStart and vocational careers advice be given the focus they deserve.

As the RTA points out, it has contributed some £500m to the Apprenticeship levy, getting back just £50m in return, which is short change by anyone’s standards.

The Jobsworth Blog – April

Thoughts on gender equality and pay

There is no argument that a gender pay gap does exist, so I have decided to give you my thoughts on the issue.

Man as the main breadwinner

It amuses me that some people still cling to the view that the male in a partnership has to be the higher earner, or they’re somehow less than a man if their female partner earns more.

Instead of getting into a lather, they should thank their lucky stars they have the love of a highly talented person and give them all the support they need in order to do even better.  It’s a partnership, not a competition, stop complaining and just be thankful!

Pay based on the role, not the gender

The chief criteria in choosing a candidate should be purely based on the ability to perform the role and the ability to fit into the company culture and purpose.  It’s the qualities that are of primary importance, not the gender of the person concerned.

As a principle that seems entirely fair to me, yet there are still significant differences in pay rates across many markets, and there are, I think a number of reasons behind this.

An appreciation

I can’t speak highly enough of the value that women bring to my business.  When it comes to demonstrating loyalty, hunger, commitment, all the elements that make up a great team to work with, I don’t think they could be bettered.

Indeed, if I had to choose between an all-male or all-female team, I would choose the all-female team any time.

And this isn’t because I know I can get away with paying them less than they deserve!

Payment by results

My key consideration when it comes to pay is to see that talent is properly rewarded.  I don’t care about your gender, if you are performing well in your job, I am going to see you are properly rewarded for it.

I expect people to be committed and go the extra mile and when they do and bring home the bacon, they will be suitably rewarded.

It’s the right thing to do, it makes business sense, and gender doesn’t come into it.

Please Sir, I want some more!

It’s significant, I think, that it was Oliver who asked for more. Because it’s this, to my mind, that is one of the main reasons for gender pay inequality.

Oliver asked.  He might not have got, but he asked.

And in many cases, I think women possibly let themselves down by failing to do so.

Knowing your true worth

Generalisations are dangerous, I know, and some of the toughest negotiators that I have ever encountered have been women.

They negotiated exceptional packages for themselves, but then they were able to walk the walk as well as talk the talk, and fully justified their demands through the results they achieved.

But I do think that there is a difference between the genders when it comes to selling their perceived value and in how they go about doing so.

In this respect, I think that it is up to women to promote themselves as effectively as possible.

Many may lack the confidence to ask, let alone have a conversation where they can justify that they should be earning more.

But if you don’t ask, it will be assumed that you are happy with your conditions, and if you aren’t and haven’t broached the subject, whose fault is that?

If you believe you are worth more, you have to be prepared to state your case and argue your point.

It’s about self-belief, plus having the confidence to speak up for yourself.

Employee costs

I’m not saying that all employers wish to squeeze their employees as much as possible, of course they don’t.

But bear in mind that wages are a business cost, and the business will not want to have to spend more than is financially prudent on salaries.

So where possible, they will try to negotiate as good a deal for the company as possible, and if you accept without any attempt to increase what is on offer, that’s just what you will get.

If you aren’t prepared to justify your worth, your worth will be determined for you, it’s as simple as that.

Closing the gap

With flexible and hybrid working becoming far more commonplace due to Covid, and with many companies taking stock of their values and becoming more empathic towards colleagues and clients alike, it could be argued that the workplace is becoming a far more female-friendly environment, and nor before time.

But for the pay gap to be reduced, it really is down to the individual, regardless of gender, to display both the confidence in their abilities, and the ability to present a case for the very best package available.

It’s only through having the courage of your convictions that you will get the necessary confidence to state your worth.

Just complaining it isn’t fair might be true, but it doesn’t change anything.

Change comes from tackling the issue head-on, no matter how difficult that feels, it’s the only way to get the parity you deserve.

And in the meantime, I’ll continue to reward hard work, commitment and talent, regardless of gender.

And be willing to listen, and argue if needs be, with anyone who feels that they aren’t getting a fair deal.

Regardless of gender, as it should be.

Off-payroll working (IR35): All you need to know

Logistics and IR35

The changes to off payroll in April this year have far reaching consequences for logistics, for recruiters and haulage firms alike.  Here we look at the changes to come and what hey mean to the industry and the way drivers are paid and taxed.

The background

The changes to off payroll are part of a clampdown by HMRC against what they call ‘disguised remuneration’.

They view disguised remuneration as contractors operating through a limited company and gaining the tax advantages of doing so while in effect being ‘employees’ of just one ‘employer’.

The reform is therefore intended to correct this ‘anomaly’ and tax contractors in the same way as regular employees.

This reform was enacted in the public sector in 2017, now it is being rolled out in the private sector as well.

Inside or out?

The reform is intended to tax the so-called ‘permietractor, not wipe contracting off the map.

Genuine contractors, those that work on specific projects for multiple end users, will be deemed to be outside of IR35 and therefore still able to operate through their PSCs.  Unless, of course, the contract is deemed to be inside IR35…..

the IR35 changes that are coming in are more focused on individual assignments rather than the person. What they are saying is you can be self-employed invoicing client A but if client B determines his assignment is in scope then you must be paid PAYE for this assignment.

Granted there are still qualifying criteria to be deemed self-employed but the focus will very much be on the status determination given by the end user.

But for those deemed inside IR35, the days of the PSC are over, they will be paid agency or umbrella PAYE, and that’s all there is to it!

What does ‘inside’ IR35 actually mean?

There are a number of determining factors to decide whether or not a contract is inside or outside of IR35.  They include the following:

SDC – supervision, direction and control.  Is the contract subject to this from the end user?

MOO—Mutuality of obligation.  Does the contract involve working for multiple, or just the one engager?

Status determination

HMRC has a tool designed to assist with determining the status of a contract called CEST.   Unfortunately, in the opinion of many, this is of limited use as it has not proven to be a reliable and could be open to challenge.

As a result, a number of companies have entered the market offering alternative status determination tools, and for many recruiters this is probably your best bet, if you don’t want to do the assessments yourself.

The responsibility for assessing the determinations will normally rest with the end user as the employer of the contractor, that’s how the legislation is framed, it isn’t a question of recruiters seeking to wriggle out of their responsibilities!

The buck stops with you, as the end user, if the determination is wrong!

Status must be determined on a contract by contract basis

Blanket determinations, where all contracts are determined collectively, might seem a tempting short cut but this is not permitted.  Each contract must be individually tested to assess its status under IR35.  It’s vital to bear in mind that it is the assignment that is being tested, not the person fulfilling the role!

However, please note there are some exceptions to which end users this applies to  – small companies with less than £10m turnover or under 50 employees are currently exempt from the legislation.

No further delays

The reform, of course, was originally scheduled for implementation last year, but the impact of Covid forced the Government to delay for a year.  But this time, despite challenges and wishful thinking that a further postponement would occur, it’s happening!

The KIDs are all right….

There is further work for agencies to do as part of their preparations, one of which is the Key Information Document (KID).

Contractors working inside IR35 under the Off-Payroll rules should expect to receive a Key Information Document (KID) from their agency at the beginning of each new contract.

Designed to deliver transparency and prevent unwitting engagement with tax avoidance schemes, KIDs are supposed to provide workers with an overview of how any fees and deductions will impact their take-home pay.

This enables contractors to make a fully informed decision regarding their next contract and shows up non-compliant tax treatment of their earnings.

Where there’s a change, there’s a scheme….

Off payroll reform is an opportunity for all manner of tax avoidance schemes to tempt contractors faced with the loss of their PSC operating method.

Posing as bona fide umbrella companies and offering enhanced rates, many contractors will be tempted by them.

Operating through a variety of methods, offering a notional salary and the rest in the form of an annuity or loan, these methods are not compliant and may well result in an HMRC investigation.

Not just the contractor, if an agency is tempted to partner with one of these tax avoidance vehicles, they are party to tax avoidance and will be chased for the tax due by HMRC.

Plus other methods, such as Mini Umbrella Companies (MUCs) have emerged which have also been deemed non compliant.

Fiddling the VAT….

Another scheme to exploit IR35 is to manipulate the SIC code of contractors from their actual industry to an industry such as hospitality in order to claim more VAT.  Again, this will act as a red flag to HMRC that tax avoidance is afoot so don’t be tempted by this either!

Remember, ultimately this is all about ensuring th correct amount of tax is paid, and not bending the rules!

Determining the payment method

Generally speaking, this will be either agency PAYE or umbrella PAYE.

Many contractors are reluctant to use an umbrella due to a combination of bad reputation through the tax avoiding element and the fees associated with it.  Equally, many end users are reluctant to be associated with them for the same reason.

Umbrella companies have their own accreditations, notably FCSA and Professional Passport.

Provided the umbrella has recognised accreditation, they should be compliant and therefore suitable to use.

Blanket ban on contractors….

Some end users have decided, as a result, to no longer use contractors.  Whether this stance continues after April will depend on whether they feel they are cutting off their noses to spite their face, time will tell!

Umbrellas, agencies and PSLs

If operating through umbrella, most agencies will have a preferred supplier list (PSL) of the umbrella companies that they are willing to work with.  In theory, provided the umbrella is compliant, the contractor should be free to use their umbrella of choice.

In practice, however, the agency will have arrangements with a limited few umbrellas, mainly the large players, which does tend to make the market restricted, which of course is just how the big players want it!

What effect on rates?

Drivers moving from PSC to agency PAYE or umbrella will be looking for increased rates to make up their loss of income, but with margins for payroll so low, any increase will have to come from end users.

Contractor discontent is understandable from their point of view, and many have tended to regard the agencies as the villains of the piece when they are merely responding to the change of legislation.

Ultimately, they just have to suck it up, they’ve enjoyed an unfair advantage for too long and they are now being treated like any other employee.


If you have not yet started to prepare for off payroll reform in April, it’s time to get a shift on, there is a lot to get organised if you are to be prepared and compliant in time.

Both recruiters and end users have preparations to make in order to be compliant come April, and we see our role very much as wanting to help all elements in the supply chain to know what they need to do to be ready.

It’s in everyone’s interests not to have a last minute panic and slip up because you are rushing your preparations.

It really is a case of ‘don’t shoot the messenger’ we’re only trying to help spread a little understanding of this complex legislative change!

So far as drivers are concerned, be aware that the end user is always likely to err on the side of caution so far as determinations are concerned, but remember they are the ones held responsible if they get it wrong!

Hopefully things are clearer now about the implications and what you need to do in order to be ready for April.

For further information please visit –


BCB Boxing Event

we are wolves boxing

Black Country Boxing - Poster with Kyle Williams

We at Jobsworth would like you to join us for a night of championship boxing including a European title shot for our very own Kyle Williams.

From the start of his professional boxing career, we have sponsored and supported Kyle on his journey.

This year we have also put our support behind Black Country Boxing the promotions arm behind the successful Wednesbury based stable that Kyle fights from.

We are extremely excited about this home-grown card aptly named WE ARE WOLVES and look forward to sharing the excitement and hospitality with you.

The doors open at 6.30 with the 1st bell at 7 pm. We will be at the venue from 6.30, please call the number below on arrival.

I believe the dress code is smart casual and not formal so we can enjoy some food and refreshment and hopefully a great night of Boxing.

Should you require any further information please don’t hesitate to contact Robin Hayes on 0121 550 6667. 

MacMillan Coffee Morning

A massive thank you to everyone who came and supported our coffee morning held last week at our Pensnett Office. It was nice to see a few friendly faces and catch up with a few people we haven’t seen for a while as well.

Also, a special thank you to Alan at JJX logistics who donated some very popular cupcakes!

Mary’s homemade cheesecake was also a big success, putting a number of internal staff in a ‘overly full hole’ for an hour or so.

We raised a total of £250 for MacMillan which is fantastic and a very worthy cause.

Charity 5-a-side

5 a side

Well done and thank you to everyone from Jobsworth who participated in the day, whether you played or just came to support!

Jobsworth’s destiny wasn’t to lift the trophy but if we helped to make the day a success then that’s more than enough.

£2400 raised on the day and watch this space for more events we plan to participate in and hold ourselves.

Jobsworth welcomes Sarah

Employee Sarah stood infront of Jobsworth sign

Jobsworth are pleased to welcome Sarah Westbury into the Jobsworth family.

Sarah joins as our Business Development Manager and brings a wealth of experience from a number of sectors.

To enquire about how Sarah can help, email