
Recruitment Consultant

What does Alex bring to the table?

Being the best trainee the company has ever seen, not just at Jobsworth… but in the industry.

What’s the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to Alex at work? 

In my first week I called a candidate from CV Library and said “Hi my name is Alex and I’m calling from CV library…”

I also told another candidate the pay rate is £11 per month. Still early days though…

If Alex won an Oscar who would he thank? 

I’d thank my family, friends and Geraldo Bajrami the Kiddy hero.

Out of everyone in the office, who could Alex see himself bailing out of prison? 

Jamie as he is an absolute liability.

What does Alex think make’s Jobsworth a good place to work? 

I have been welcomed with open arms by all here at Jobsworth which has really helped after beginning a new chapter in my career.